Waste Action Maleny workshop

WASTE Action Maleny is hosting a free recycle right workshop, to teach the community on the best ways to practice sustainability in your home.
This informative workshop is being presented by EnviroCom, which Waste Action Maleny is hosting as part of National Recycling Week.
“During this presentation, find out what can and can’t go in your recycling bin, and discover why the Resource Recovery Centre is much more than an old dump!” Waste Action Maleny said.
The free event is being held on Tuesday, November 14, from 10am to 11am at the Verandah Room behind the Maleny Community Centre.
Morning tea at the workshop is available from 9:30am, and the group welcomes all to attend.
For more email wasteactionmaleny@gmail.com or visit www.wasteactionmaleny.org.au