Forest fellowship

MARY Cairncross Scenic Reserve in Maleny has a brand new interactive exhibition, allowing locals and visitors alike to get to know all the earthworms, snails, figs, vines and pigeons, who are nature’s hidden heroes.

Sunshine Coast Division 5 Councillor, Winston Johnston, invited those with a passion for nature to spend some time at the reserve this summer/school holidays.

“In the forest, no one species can survive on its own, or is more important than another,” he said.

“It takes teamwork for the forest to grow – and at Mary Cairncross, you’ll be able to learn about each member of that team.”

The reserve is home to a complex interconnected web of species and ecosystem processes, and within this web, there are key species which ensure the smooth running of the reserve.

These are the connectors, the recyclers, the providers, the elementals and the all-rounders and together, these species function as a team to sustain the forest.

The exhibit is open seven days, from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the Rainforest Discovery Centre.

For more, go to and search for ‘forest fellowship’.
