It’s not about the noise, it’s about the volume

with Pastor Aaron Jackson, Church on the Rise Beerwah

Life is a series of events and circumstances, situations and predicaments, failures and victories, wisdom given and lessons learned. This short series of phrases goes someway in summing up our lives and the life of Jesus while He was on planet earth.  Jesus moved amongst people from all walks of life and made room for them. At His birth his parents were told there was no room at the inn, and thus He was born in a barn. The saviour of the world after being turned away, turned towards humanity with an ever increasing capacity. Jesus was not about being loud but He was about being heard.

He was a standout leader of His time walking with humility and a capacity to meet the needs of the people. On that score, nothing has changed. At a time where there is a lot of changes in our world, I believe people are looking to turn toward Jesus instead of away from Him and ready to make room for Him in their lives.

We all know about people who talk a big game, and make sure everybody knows who they are, but rarely deliver on a promise. Jesus speaks life to all who will listen and still delivers on His promises today.  Life isn’t about the noise we make, it’s about the capacity we carry. Yes Jesus wants us to do good and consider others, but more than that He wants us to increase our capacity for His wisdom, truth, and presence.

Increasing our capacity to know God and to be known by God will bring freedom, grace, and perspective to our lives and will enable us to live out the purpose for which God created us. God had an incredible reason for putting someone like you on planet earth. All that God has for us won’t be discovered in the noise of life but rather through creating room in the depth of your soul. It’s not about volume (loud) but it’s all about volume (capacity). Make room in your life for Jesus. See you Sunday!