Peachester Garden Club report

By Patricia Bradford

Pleasing to see a good number of members attending our first meeting for the year held in the garden of Rod and Brenda Baldwin. Glenda Sellenger showed us a Tupperware container, holding sunflower seeds, with the lid neatly chewed off and empty husks left behind. We thought it was likely that a larger parrot or possibly rats were responsible.
Suella Lanceley showed off a selection of chillies growing in her garden and explained that her rhubarb only has green stems, although propagated from plants with red stems. Perhaps it has something to do with our climate.
Brenda gave a short history of their garden, with lovely shady trees sheltering a good variety of potted plants, many of them yet to be planted out. The shade was very welcome on a hot and steamy day. Thank you to Rod and Brenda for inviting us to your garden.
The next meeting, the AGM, is on Thursday, 15th February, in the Peachester Hall. A reminder that subscriptions are due at this meeting. Please bring along your entries for the competition bench, prizes for the raffles, and a small plate to share for morning tea. Visitors and new members are always welcome. For more information, please contact Trish at 54969169.