Police beat

with Senior Constable Susan Lowndes, Beerwah Police Station

Building sites and copper wire

There has been a rise in thefts from building sites generally and more specifically theft of copper wire.

At various times the value of copper rises to a point where it becomes appealing to some criminals to steal from buildings under construction and other places where a large amount of wire can be found in a small area. The wire is sold to scrap metal dealers usually after being stripped of the plastic coating.

Crimes such as this can be very expensive for the builder and/or the new homeowner due to not only replacing the wire, but also the extra time required to refit the cabling.

Builders are advised to secure the property to the best of their ability, including their tools and equipment and to consider installing CCTV to deter criminals.

Increased drug driving detection capability

Drink and drug driving are the cause of numerous traffic incidents every year. While every police officer can conduct a roadside breath test, roadside drug testing is only conducted by officers who have completed the appropriate training.

Beerwah has recently increased the number of officers who are qualified to conduct roadside drug testing and have had significant results in this area. As with roadside breath testing, roadside drug testing can be anywhere, anytime.

If you are detected driving with a relevant drug in your system, your licence will be suspended for a minimum of 24hrs for a first offence or for more than six weeks for subsequent offences or until you appear in court.

Once dealt with by the courts it is likely that your licence will be further suspended for at least four months.

Drugs such as cannabis and methamphetamine can remain in your system at levels able to be detected for up to a week after last use.

Police Recruiting

I’ve recently had the opportunity to attend two of our local high schools in Beerwah for their careers display events.

It was great to talk to several possible future police officers at both Glass House Christian College and Beerwah High School.

The recruiting requirements have recently changed. It is now possible to apply from 17 years of age, although you are still required to be 18 before starting at the academy.

Policing is a diverse and rewarding job, if you or someone you know may be interested head to
www.policerecruit.qld.gov.au and see if it’s the right job for you.
