School delivering top marks

By Jennifer Kent

BEERWAH State High School has been recognised for the successful implementation of the school’s program, ‘Success for all through collaborative case management’ having recently received a regional commendation for Excellence in the Secondary Years through the Queensland Government’s Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools.

The program was implemented by the Beerwah SHS Leadership Team and school principal Lyn McDonald shared she was so proud of the way in which her staffing team have embraced the program designed to equip teachers with a common understanding of the curriculum.

“The program has been a collaboration between teachers, teaching staff and third parties to build a common understanding with detailed information and of the curriculum through case management and teaching teams,” said Lyn. 

“The overall approach towards effective and authentic intentional collaboration has been successful in building up teachers’ ability for leadership, and they have really valued their time working together in moderation with their colleagues.

“As a result, staff have increased their assessment literacy and confidence to plan engaging and differentiated lessons, whilst also enhancing students understanding of the achievement standards through learning walls.”

Case management or teaching teams were established in years seven and eight English and Mathematics and deputy principal Scott Siddle shared that the teaching staff have really taken the program on board and embraced it, with results showcasing an upward trend in academic outcomes in these areas.

“There’s been many initiatives implemented throughout the years, and this is by far the best one received,” said Scott. “The time spent with colleagues and leaders has enabled them to do their job more effectively. They really see the value in the process and the way in which it is helping their teaching.”

Lyn said that over a third of the school’s teaching staff had so far participated in the program and the goal over the next few years is for that to reach 100%. The program is currently being rolled out this semester to the science and humanities faculties.  

“We are confident of ongoing success as we continue to build teacher’s capability,” she said.

Main image: Beerwah State High has been recognised for its innovative case management program